Kyla Oshanek, Mexico
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If you are an introvert—like me—you can probably imagine that being in a group setting in a foreign country 24/7 for thirty days will pose some challenges. Introverts need quiet time to recharge, so being in a group all day can be draining. Before departing for my field school I pondered how I would navigate the upcoming reality of very little quiet time in addition to the regular ups and downs of a field school experience. I have now spent the past three weeks in a group of mostly extroverted individuals, and it has been a great experience. Here are my top three tips for enjoying your own field school experience as an introvert:

  1. Take time to recharge. Extroverts thrive in groups whereas introverts need quiet time to re-energize. Some extroverts have a hard time unde...
Category: Student Blog
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Applications are now open for an internship position at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce (CanCham) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. If you are a Canadian graduate student or a recent graduate from a BC-based Master's program, you may be eligible to apply!

This is a one-year graduate internship with the CanCham, in partnership with BCCIE. This internship opportunity is a result of BCCIE and BC government activity and networking Vietnam.

The application deadline is Monday, August 15th, 2016 with a proposed start date in September of 2016. Final interviews will be done with the CanCham by the end of August

The intern will be working with the CanCham staff and reporting to the Director of the CanCham in Vietnam. The successful can...

Category: News Article
Melinda Ng, South Korea
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Travelling is a big must-do for study abroad students. Take advantage of the fact that you are at a school surrounded by students who share the same mindset as you. You can learn about one another during your travels together, and better yet learn about a new culture together. Chances are that you are also geographically a lot closer to several different cities and countries than you were in Canada too (since Canada is so spread out)!

During my exchange in South Korea, I was able to visit Japan, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. However, before checking those places out, I did not forget to visit the cities within my host country first. In fact, I really enjoyed inter-city travel within Korea just as much as I did travelling internationally. The time to travel was shorter and a lot cheaper.


Category: Writers In Residence
Lisa King, Colombia
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Has it really been a year already? I travelled to Colombia last May and immersed myself for two weeks in its brilliant culture. My study abroad trip took me up into the crisp aired mountains of Bogota and down into the sweltering heat of the Amazon. Our days were packed full of excursions, and while I trekked from one wonder to another, I tried to take in as much as I could of my environment. Time flew by so fast. Not only was this my first time on a study abroad program, but it was a chance for me to earn the last credits I needed for graduation.

But what now? Let me say that the Amazon: its people, trees, animals, beautiful air, and water became a part of me. It courses through my veins and fuels my dreams. I received the best, fleeting, taste of paradise that money couldn’t buy. I met p...

Category: Writers In Residence
